Of warriors screaming in vehemence,
Raising voices in incantations
Screaming to secure His attentions.
Is God so hard of hearing?
What’s with all the screaming?
Why bring down heaven’s thunder?
I would sit and deeply ponder.
Little did I know that
The screaming torment of the heart
Often jumps out when in prayer
To ease a pain as that of cancer.
Always in hope of deliverance
Perhaps there could be a chance
Of rescue from the hosts of heaven
And so bring peace at even.
And often there is answer
For the heartfelt fervent prayer
Often brings tremendous power
And testimonies of answer.
My name is Lydia Abiodun. I am a school teacher. I teach the French Language in a secondary school in Lagos State. I am married to a wonderful man who has no literary bone in his body at all and we have four beautiful kids.
I have always loved words and hated numbers. So when I say that I love books, I don’t mean the kind with numbers in them but the kind with stories in them. I started some amateur writing in my second year in the university but they never saw the light of day mainly because it was a struggle to even exist talk more of going to school but God saw me through.
Most of my writings in the early days are “gone with the wind”.
Early 2011, a few months after joining Facebook, I started writing again. It was an avenue for me to express myself creatively without the hassle of criticism of self professed critics. I met a lot of writers who posted their works on Facebook so I was encouraged to start writing again after almost 20 years of dropping the pen.
I read a few of Emmanuel-Abdalmasih Samson’s poems and I decided to pen a few and tag him. Some of his friends liked them and I was encouraged.
For the sole purpose of poetry, I created this profile last year [*smile* this is not my official name. It is a combination of my Christian name and my husband’s first name.]
I have not published any works yet; I am working on one already and this year, by HIS grace, I intend to make some hard copies of my writings for posterity. So I am, in short, a nobody in the poetry world.
One of my poems has however made its way into the “52 Years After “anthology.
I have a blog on WordPress.com – Lydiabiodun40’s blog, titled “Creativity In Verse” which I haven’t visited for a while because I find it easier to publish my works on Facebook where it gets more viewings.
I have met (virtually, not yet in real life) a lot of talented poets on fb, much more talented and dedicated to poetry than I am.
I particularly love Emmanuel-Abdalmasih Samson, DN Musa, Andrew Okechukwu Obaze (although Andrew can be a pain on the brain sometimes); I love Akande Itunu’s poems; I love Kukogho Iruesiri Samson’s seemingly effortless talents with words. There are so many others that I love but can’t mention here because of space.
My hope is to express myself more creatively for many more years to come.
Ma’am Lydia Abiodun *smirks* is one of the female poets I respect on Facebook and on the WRRPoetry family platform. When she writes, I see a lot of creativity. Her willingness to learn is impressive.
My initial perception of her was a talented teenager in love with poetry…just because of her simplicity.
I can’t wait for her book…(hope na na soon o!).