We poetry, short stories, essays, interviews, and art with a focus on authenticity. It is our goal to search out creative works that x-ray society in order to elucidate traditional social narratives, challenge stereotypes, examine 'forbidden' themes, and contemplate the human condition with a sense of originality. There are, however, specific thematic expectations for each issue of CỌ́N-SCÌÒ MAGAZINE and every edition of our flagship poetry contests.

Unsolicited works of fiction, nonfiction, and poetry are accepted all year round. We have no aesthetic or thematic allegiance but we are always on the lookout for authenticity and expect all our contributors to show respect for human dignity. Our platform welcomes everyone.
Acceptance Period: All year round.
Genre Guidelines: For Poetry, submit a maximum of five (5) poems, each not having more than 40 lines; for Prose submit one (1) short story, review, interview, or essay).
Submissions: Email ✉️ to SUBMISSIONS@WRR.NG.
Simultaneous Submission: Yes. However, do notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere.
Multiple Submission: Yes. 👌Feel free to submit to more than one genre at the same time.
Publication Status: Submit only unpublished works that have not appeared online in chapbooks, digital anthologies, blogs, journals, magazines, and other publicly accessible platforms. 😬We may accept exceptional pieces previously published in print-only formats provided you retain copyright and notify us of the publishing history.
Cover Letter: Provide a brief cover letter that includes your name, a third-person bio and contact information (and social media handles) in the body of the email with 'PUBLISH WRR' as the subject of your email. No attachments.🚫
Response Time: We receive a lot of entries! 😩 However, we try to respond within three (3) weeks.
Copyright: You retain the copyright, but we require credit for us as the original publisher of the work.
Payment/Fees: No payment. We do not charge submission fees.
Note: Send only edited works. 🤦Have mercy on our team of volunteer editors.
We publish quarterly (January, April, July, and October) with specific themes for each Issue. We encourage sharing as a way of promoting "collective knowing".
Acceptance Period: Submit only when there is a call for submissions: November / February/ May / August.
Simultaneous Submission: Yes, we are not selfish. 😀 However, do notify us if your work is accepted elsewhere before we accept it.
Multiple Submission: No. Please submit to only one category/genre per Issue. If your work is accepted, please skip one Issue before submitting again.
Cover Letter: Provide a brief cover letter that includes your name, a third-person bio and contact information (and social media handles) in the body of the submission email. Use the issue theme and month (i.e. Identity, July) as the subject of your email, and title all attachments with your name and genre.
Response Time: No one likes the waiting game. We know this, so we strive to get back to contributors within three (3) weeks.
Copyright: You retain the copyright to your work. However, we do require that you credit us as the original publisher of the work. Please note that, except in special circumstances, we will not delete works already accepted and published on our website.
Payment: We charge no submission fees and currently pay a token honorarium of ₦3000 per accepted piece. We have limited resources, as a non-profit without sponsorship, but look forward to increasing the honorarium in the near future.
Note: All entries must adhere to the announced theme, be previously unpublished*, and be written in the English language (or pidgin). The term "unpublished" refers to works that have not appeared online in chapbooks, digital anthologies, blogs, journals, magazines, and other publicly accessible platforms. In exceptional cases, we accept works previously published in print-only formats provided you retain copyright and notify us of the publishing history.
- Poetry: Maximum of two (2), preferably in the body of the email or in a single document. Each poem should not have more than 50 lines. We have no specific form or style preferences. Email to consciopoetry@wrr.ng.
- Prose (Fiction & Non-Fiction): Submit a maximum of two (2) pieces, which could be fiction (400 to 1500 words), book reviews (600 to 1,500 words), literary commentaries/essays (500 to 1,500 words), or interviews (1000 to 2500 words). Email to consciofeatures@wrr.ng.
- Art/Photographs: Maximum of two (2) pieces in JPG, JPEG, or PNG formats. Include a title and caption/description for each in your cover letter. Please attach your art/photo to your email, not as a Word Document or into the body of the email. Email to conscioart@wrr.ng.