From within my cell,
I hear the torrential rains
Storm thunderously
On my seasons battered roof.
I feel my heart beating slowly
Against the walls of my introspections,
Producing echoes, like merciless missiles,
In my worm infested brain.
These echoes bringing forth my perspicuous plight
In my Lincoln reined society,
Leaving me asking questions
Whose answers I never shall get!
Yet I ask.
Why should I lack
When my nation, ungrateful,
Is blessed beyond appreciation?
Why should I feed on delicacies
Produced behind bowel filled waterways,
When our fields wait desperately
To be disvirgined by hoes and cutlasses?
Why should I dwell
In disease breeding hallways,
While funds towards this course
Vanish fruitlessly in foreign accounts?
Why should education
Cost me a fortune
And why should I attend classes
With stomachs empty?
Why should I a ragamuffin become
In my beloved nation?
And why should I search fruitlessly
For that which makes my living worthwhile?
All these questions
I put in petitions
Destined for the incinerators…
But still I ask them.
For their echoes ring,
Like the loud thunder claps
Ringing in my head!
meet the poet: Surhdique Adeogun