Words Rhymes & Rhythm Publishers in collaboration with Something for Everybody Ventures (SFEV), hereby invites Nigerian Poets and lovers of literature resident in any part of the world to submit their poems for the 8th edition of the annual Eriata Oribhabor Poetry Prize, EOPP 2019.
Entrants should submit well-worded poems on the sub-themes of: Unity, Truth, Justice, Change and Sustainable Development in society, with focus on Nigeria – her people, cultures, experiences, hopes, and aspirations.
- First Prize – N25,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor
- First Runner-up – N15,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor
- Second Runner-up – N10,000 cash and books by Eriata Oribhabor
- NOTE: All poets on the shortlist of 10 will receive SFEV certificates of recognition and books by Eriata Oribhabor

- Contestants are invited to submit a maximum of two (2) poems
- All submissions should be made via email as BODY of mail to SUBMISSIONS@WRR.NG with the subject: ‘EOPP 2019’. Note that ATTACHMENTS ARE NOT ALLOWED.
- All entries must be the original work of the poet submitting it.
- There’s no limit to the number lines of any poem.
- Authors must add their full names and a biography (100 words maximum) in the body of the e-mail inclusive of full name, email address, and phone number(s).
- Poems containing profanity or vulgarity will be disqualified.
- The poems will be judged based on their artistic quality and creativity.
- The judges’ decision is final and under no circumstances will they enter into any correspondence with entrants regarding their decisions.
- Authors retain the copyright of their poems but submission gives us permission to publish selected poems in a future anthology as mentioned above.
- There is no entry fee.
Nigerians residents in any part of the world are eligible.
Submissions open until 11:59 PM SATURDAY 16th NOVEMBER, 2019
EOPP was instituted in 2012 as an annual Prize to give the much-needed attention to Nigerian poetry and encourage young Nigerian poets to use poetry as a tool for social change. The yearly contest has become the leading platform for the discovery, encouragement, and celebration of poets in Nigeria.
ERIATA ORIBHABOR is a prominent Nigerian poet, literary activist and publisher passionate about positive change for his country. A former Chairman, Association of Nigerian Authors (ANA), Abuja Chapter, he is the founder of the Poets In Nigeria (PIN) Initiative and manages the Nigerian Students Poetry Prize, Festival Poetry Calabar, ArtHub, Food Poetry Prize, the PIN Quarterly Journal among other literary ventures, and supports several other literary organizations and initiatives in the country. Also one the most
Oribhabor is also a proponent of Pidgin English (Naija languej) as a as a medium of literary communication and has written and edited poetry books in the language, including ‘Abuja na Kpangba an Oda puem dem’ (IFRAOribhabor, 2011) and ‘If Yu Hie Se A De Prizin: antoloji of puem-dem fo languej.’ His other books include ‘Beautiful Poisons’ and soon-to-be-released Gud Old (a collection of Essays written in English). In 2019 he published a triology of poetry books: THAT BEAUTIFUL PICTURE, COLOURS AND BORDERS, and WALKING TRUTHS.
Aside from his literary activism which has earned him the title of ‘Merchant of Poetry’, Oribhabor also manages Something for Everybody Ventures, a publishing outfit based in Lagos, Nigeria. He encourages young writers to develop their potentials towards achieving their dreams and enjoys discussions on topical issues, traveling, tours and adventures.