for “sidon look” type
of gofament witout fire
to burn down koruption
and her twin sister.
We don tire
to hia that old sermon
of “e go beta”.
I don hia dat message before, no be today-
“When e go beta”?
We don tire
to vote for baboons
wey only they chop;
forgetin say na monkey
provide the banana.
We don tire
for dia ‘sweet mouth’:
“We will deliver
cos all hands
dey on deck.”
We don tire
to return to the mercy
of one drawing board:
“the board don full!”-
“We need new one!”
We don tire
for committees
for every sma tin
wey shele
for our community.
We don really tire,
but who go
helep us?
Who go give us
the much needed life wire,
to save us from dis hell-fire?
“I sorry for Niaja!”
Written by: Iyeomoan Emmanuel Ehizogie
We don tire o!!! I love your style Poet, which I could write like this, in Naija Lang. Nice write.