We are disabled.
Not a lot that we ask, just enough of care and It’s rare.
They labeled us just like black label,
we are not able that’s why we need a cuddle.
That’s enough to enable,
A tingling sense to see, to walk, to sing, to dance, to play and to mingle.
But there is a cow bell around our necks.
The birds speak,
At some point we are all deaf.
In the wildest darkness I’ve lived,
In our world, we don’t believe in light,
“duummmm, NO sor”
In your world, its fair yet it’s hard to see through the dark suit of every day.
At some point we are all blind.
If we are disables, you are unable,
To love and care.
We have lost our wings and the feathers flies around.
Don’t you think we would love to jump around?
But we are always in a wheel chair, wearing black spectacles with our trusted walking stick.
When life turns Grey, as life races to catch breath,
Our names catch flames; we adopt grand in the family, Until the day threnodies are sung.
At some point we will all be disabled.
The desert grows drought and bears bare lands.
Like the oceans roar,
I have never heard the sound of a creaking door.
How do I run?
When you are not my ears,
How do you hear?
When I only speak sign language.
Why do you care less?
We are not a curse,
it’s nature, that was careless to create us without legs.
Yes, am disabled,
And am I a mess?
We are part,
In us is a heart; it can be sad.
With us is a cat, that can be loved.
Like the day and night part of a time.
Like the night, impaired by the lights of the stars and moon.
As life tastes sweet and bitter,
At least for us, it should be sour.
Because we are part.
“Disability is not a curse”
Thank you, Fatima Abdul Rahaman

You may be without voice, sight, hearing or limb. But your mind is your power and nobody can take that away from you. Thus, think not that your creation was “careless” for “They are as sick that suffer with too much as they that starve with nothing” [Shakespeare: Merchant of Venice]