Extol him, even though he is odd.
When they say “its a man’s world”
Its not about conquest or blood.
…Talking about the real hero!
A shout out for he who in joy tills.
Proudly, with his spoils, descends the hills.
He provides succour because his soul wills,
Turbulent hearts he makes still.
Talk about the real hero!
What is life without an Adam?
Massive or spare, he is a balm
An armour, a shield from all harm
In the face of danger, ever calm.
I salute the real hero!
How unfair your world appears…
You must bury alive your tears!
Eve may cry, but pains you must bear,
And hide your fears in sober glee!
I salute you, oh real hero!
For all sons, strong, faithful and reliable,
To whom the daughters are inestimable.
Your strength will never wane. Ever able.
May you reign and your crown be ever adorable!
Alas! let’s hear it for the real hero!
Written by: Miranda Ese Ogboru
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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