Magnificently crafted to suit His purpose.
Created, inspired to go out and prosper,
As doing the contrary impugns on His purpose.
Go, conquer and subdue was the charge
Failure is without the contemplation of His purpose.
This mandate, so divine, yet we treat with levity,
Knowing very well how He cherishes His purpose!
So doing, we acquiesce our rightful portion;
Leaving detractors to scorn at His purpose!
Until this we realize and accept the fact;
Our unique value won’t be in sync with His purpose!
Regardless of our pigmentation or beliefs;
This blackman was crafted to suit His purpose!
Let’s rise up, define ourselves – as prince and princes;
For that is the essence of His purpose!
Written by: Jon Manuels Enekele
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson