Just as He said,
Soon He will come,
With a burning furry anger,
Burning like an oven,
To consume the arrogant ones.
The wicked will be dust and all that remains of them will be lust.
Soon He will come,
With gaze bright and fierce and rob white as
And when He comes,
The righteous shall find solace,
while the wicked and arrogant will be distressed,
for all their pride shall be useless.
This time, He shall observe as the rich and the poor all file in a line to account for their
Whether it be dark or white,
as long as it be the past of a life.
And He shall judge all by their
Soon He shall come,
and our times on earth will be viewed.
While our religion shall not be questioned, our behaviours shall all be mentioned.
Prophets, priests, side by side we shall stand.
Not for the sermon prepared by them,
but for the deeds done known not to man.
Soon when He comes,
The faithful shall be drawn by the light that has come.
Their pains shall be gone because the prize has been brought.
Truly, the price for good shall be paid as well as that of evil shall surely be paid,
but with evil as the prize which is to evil.