In your heart’s
Yet darkened alleys,
Let wisdom meet caution.
It is the drops of rain,
Soft and formless
That gives the rose
It’s sweet aroma,
Not the thunder
That sets ablaze the sky.
It is the coos
Of a woman’s voice
That tamed the hands
Of Strong Samson,
Not strung bows
Or swiping swords.
Harmless threads
Of soft spineless rain
Form puddles
Whose unity is the flood,
Casting asunder
What metal craned built!
Let caution meet wisdom
In the darkened alleys
Of your heart…
Related articles
- Seek the Sweet Aroma of Wisdom (part One) (vineandbranchworldministries.com)
- Cultivating Wisdom and True Knowledge (endlesslightandlove.com)