He horse-rides into my dream every night
Carrying sprinkles of stars on his polished armor-my diamond knight
He would join me in the water bed-not minding
And we swim till the morning
When I wake with my pants wet and dripping
But back in reality, he never returns my stare
He sweeps by like I was never there
With his eyes always masked in those sparkling sunshades
The spark they enkindle in the sun igniting me ablaze-
A pseudo-cause to my charred fate
Still, I like to think;
Perhaps behind those glasses is the same fire
May be under that pile of straight cloths is the same kind of desire
May be he always looked back, only it is when I was looking away
That “I love you” is what he always parted his mouth to say
Before always remembering that that feeling is contraband
That this is Nigeria and – like him – I am a Man