The rule is simple, it must be consistent from beginning to end; much like a swing of the Samurai sword must be consistent to the the Samurai code; precise and intentional.
“A 45 degree angle swing of the sword must be practiced over many years to eliminate a foreseen mess when a Samurai has to remove an enemies head in a Samurai code called Hari-kari…
The ancient Japanese were very adherent to simplicity and perfection, with an understanding that nothing is perfect, but as humans we can stride to be as close to perfection as we possibly can…
It is a challenge to express a fluid emotion, idea, perspective, and reflections in 17 syllables and to recite the poem in one breath…
One breath, 3 lines, 5-7-5 = 17 syllables; fluid and consistent from the title to the very last syllable in the turn of the poem.
We are all warriors of peace
I am a dreamer.
a lover of Human kind…..
Just like you.
Haiku is an art of keeping aware of every action that we make, every word that we write, every breath that we take reciting haiku after Haiku…
There is a pattern and rhythm that you will discover, or perhaps you have discovered already, by adhering to the rules of Haiku.
Sometimes, when it is suited, we break the rules with absolute purpose to make the story sweeter than it already is, just a little.
So we can improvise according to the rhythm of Haiku…
Below is a long poem based on Haiku for all our friends to enjoy and understand the Mysticism of Haiku.
I suggest you copy it and make a print of it so you can count it syllable by syllable, that way you will understand the full art of Haiku beyond the rules that we all must adhere to in the written rule books.
5-Mystic Haiku-dohhh
7-The numbers are syllables.
7- Breaking the rules with RESPECT.
(2- Title : ) 3- Dreaming peace.
5-The numbers many
7-in communication
5-about peacefulness
1- PEACE..
3- A Haiku…
5-There is a number
7-then five follows thereafter
5-followede by seven
6-Then again back to five.
5-Where the number three
7-is the number of lines there are
5-and the 5-7-5
7-Another Haiku it is.
5-Peacefully dreaming,
7-Following the 5-7-5
5-Peacefully Dreaming.
3-A Haiku.
3-The numbers
3-Live in Peace
3:3–Dreaming PEACE,
A Haiku
A Haiku
5:9—The numbers many
Three is the number
Followed by seven
Where the number three
And the 5-7-5
Then again to five
Peacefully dreaming
Peacefully dreaming
In numbers it shows.
7:6—Breaking the rules with respect,
Then five follows thereafter,
In communication,
Is the number of lines there are,
Another Haiku it is,
Following the 5-7-5.
To everyone a beautiful evening, and
A Happy Holy Season of Lights.
The wisdom of Haiku is to live with the rhythm of life as it happens to everyone of us.
Add to that plenty of love,
and plenty of respect;
what we get is the united peace, love,
and harmony.
We will dream,
a possible dream.
With sincere gratitude to all my friends,
From your Royal pain in the butt dreamer,