Mister, against your missis, eh?
Why have your clouds picked her visage
To rain, blindly, slaps and punches?
Hmm! Of cigarette and liquor,
Your heavy breath steadily reeks;
Observing the eyes of your head,
No glint of courtesy appears!
Has she metamorphosed at sight
Into a cow your whips cherish?
At squabble’s call, you are summoned-
Being the bruiser she marries.
I’ll make sure you see Prison’s teeth
From its inside- locked in its mouth!
Your busted self shall rot in jail;
Your moulded fist will melt to plead-
When Justice‘s wrath is set on you,
Then shall your scruples be tuned in
To deprecate the maltreating
Of our mothers, wives and daughters!
Written by: Kingsley U. Ayistar
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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