When you come of age, if you come of age
There may come a time in your life
When you wonder at your existence
And conclude that if you could have,
You would have chosen not to exist
There may come a time in your life
When you decide
That if you had the means
You would have changed your reality
There may come a time in your life
When you ponder the mysteries of life
And conclude
That there might never come explanation for them at all
There may come a time in your life
When you throw all caution to the winds
And break every sacred law in The Book
Believing the Resurrection all an idea
There may come a time in your life
When all refuse to add up
And you lose all hope in this life
And are skeptical about the next
Take care when that time comes in your life
And remember, this life is simply not for ever
At least, death is a reality
With countless proofs
Hasten not to the noose, then
Know you what awaits beyond?

“when you come of age, if you come of age” Nice piece. I like your style of writing. Kudos