To witness the funeral
Of our yet living throne-men.
They have all kissed us
With their turtle lips
Dripping of innocent blood
The crown and scepter
The beaded neck and golden sit
Today, we deny you, Akogun Kolawolu
You whose gun never fails to sing dirges
To the ears of our enemies
Haven’t you joined them too?
Our sisters have been stolen
From the warmth of parenthood
Our Mothers are wailing for the future
Stabbed by the knife of uncertainty.
Kolawolu, you betrayed our trust for shekel’s sake
Today, we deny you Otun-ba
Until now you have been our man
Today we deny you Otun-ba
For you have fed our hungry stomach
With the air of deceit
You have become a righteous man
Of questionable character
Calling stones jewels.
The throne built with rocks from Aso
Has turned to a shrine
Where golden dreams are colonized
Where the potter’s sweats are fermented
Where our skilled hands are made indolent?
Our soils are now fertility paupers!
The first harvest of our sweat
You took to fattened yourselves
You stole our leavened bread
And served us cooked lies as food
Remember, King Agarau
As the ticking of the clock ticks ‘tick-tock’
Let your beard less conscience ravage you alone
For our voices that chant your praise in unison
have retired to a disappointed chamber.
Let Otito* and Ododo**
The twin brothers of justice
Revive us all, for our hope has been
Massacred down the memory lane
All in the name of lies.
Truth might has been buried alive
In the hollow cave of the earth
But one day it will resurface
Clamoring to take its place.
*Otito – truth
**Ododo – righteousness
Written by: Odunola Don Kolawolu
Edited by: Adedayo Agarau Adeyemi