Not the roadside love between a guy and the babe with pretty round curves
That ends up in tears and other heartbreaking stuffs
Let’s talk about Love!
Not the sort that is birthed by religion
And restricted to those outside our denomination
Let’s talk about Love!
Not the love we share to those who speak our language
And to others? We use to cause damage.
Let’s talk about Love!
The Love that does not end within the confines of tradition
And is not short-lived by colour separation
Let’s talk about Love!
The type that makes you feed the hungry
Be him black or white, clean or dirty
Let’s talk about Love!
The kind that makes me see her as sister
And him as brother
Let’s talk about Love!
The kind that brings peace and goodness to humanity
And takes away hatred’s calamity
Let’s talk about Love!
The love that bonds us stronger
Even stronger than bond and glue mixed together.
Let’s talk about Love!
Lets talk about Him
For outside him, there’s no Love
And the world we live in can only survive with Him.
Let’s talk about Love!
Lets talk about God
For the Love that I speak can only be found in Him
For God in His totality is Love.
Written by: Felix Nnamdi Egbomuche
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson