Yet you were quick to whack me across the chin at the first sign of weakness
Your firm hand was my backbone, your gentleness my character
Helping me grow through the years, whip in hand, kind words on the lips
I want you to know, my father, that my words flow, a dedication to you
You spoke of love and life and dreams, and helped me to ease my fears
Your passion for knowledge, connection to people, love of the arts
Your desire to teach, to give back your quota to mankind
Attributes that inspired and formed me, a part of who I am today
I want you to know, my father, that by example you taught me good
Even though not expressed enough, I appreciate all you did…and still do
Gratitude is all I feel, for having a father like you
Your parenthood begot my devotion to you
Love and light and peace – my wishes for you this day
I want you to know, my father, that this is what I pray.
Written by: Shakespearean Walter
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson