It’s been six seasons since God took another angel home
And ever since, the littlest things, those particular times
Make me remember and yearn for your presence
Your benign smile, a memory that gets me through stormy times
Your kindliness that makes me realize the reason you were God’s servant
Your encompassing tranquility that kept us all together
These celebratory tides during which Grandma’s delicacies you encouraged us to devour
A beacon to my mum, a standard for your children, the rock of the family
Until that day when God took another angel home
That day when you laid in that hospital bed, trying hard to hold on
Torn between rising to your Father in heaven, to the side of His glory
And staying with your children on earth, abiding by life’s uncertainties
Tears fell, hearts broke, and voices were lifted in bereavement
But it was time for you to fly home, for God’s will to prevail
Your loved ones came to say goodbye, to kiss upon you our farewells
And the unseen ones from above swept down, waiting to welcome you to their fold
And as your heartbeat stopped, your eyes fluttered close and your body slackened
God took another angel home
Papa, I wipe my tears now, as I have wiped it many times before
It hurts that you are no longer amongst us
But it’s comforting to know you have become our advocate beyond the skies
Watching over us and whispering good reports about us in the ears of the Creator
And now, I say a prayer of thanks to you for being the absolute best you could be in life
And bestowing upon us a legacy to be cherished in death.
Written by: Shakespearean Walter
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson