To paint words in fine colors,
Giving them names unimaginable.
Close not your mind
To the deep imaginations
That birth pleasant realities.
Painful predictions in the streets
Choke and steal away
The truth in the living’s hearts.
It is that uncertainty,
That one that leaves fear
In the chest of the valiant.
It tells a lion to be still,
That he is far much less,
But equal to a sheep.
Alas, many a horses are beaten down,
Playing donkeys for luggage,
Instead of facing fierce wars!
Lions, less than barking, rabid dogs
Are but mere bleating sheep
Seeking refuge with a shepherd!
Break out like father Mandela,
With the insurance of a pure course,
Your good end is a certainty.
Roar like a lion,
For the street is naught
But what you make it…!
Written by: Anyi Charles Egbe
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson
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