That was cry of that drunken spender
The request he made, like he was still able
“I’ve got the money,c’mon make it faster!”
“Hey Mister! What are you waiting for?”
They can’t even wait..I mean his greedy friends
For this 7th round, each man got more than four
“You’re the boss man!”..(at least till this ends)
“I’m really not missing out today”
Even the waiter..has got plans too
Other times,he’ll just let them go away
“At least,I’ve got to make a thousand or two”!
“Why come home by this time of the night?”
His pretty wife complains as she can
She’s so loving and calm, won’t pick up a fight
“I pray you change and become a better man”
On another such night, he drove into a tree!
Written by: Agunwa Clinton
Edited by: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson