The #GrillandRead Book party is making its next stop in Abuja on Saturday, December 3rd 2016 after successfully holding in Lagos and Port Harcourt. The one of a kind literary party will be built around the theme, ‘Throwback to the Classics”.
According to Abigail Anaba, convener of #GrillandRead, the book party, aimed at encouraging people to read for pleasure without pressure, will bring together two activities that go together: eating and reading, in a fun atmosphere where readers can connect with other readers and their favourite authors and spoken word personalities.
Starting with the Abuja edition, #GrillandRead is adding new sessions to the program directed at helping readers read better and celebrating readers. The talk in the Abuja edition is themed “Reading in the Age of Social Media” and will be delivered by convener of Warmate Book Club, Florence Warmate. Habiba Abubakar Lawal will be the celebrated Reader at the event having read sixty five books this year alone. There will also be an art section featuring artistic photography and abstract art. TJ Benson will be featuring his art at the Abuja edition.
“Our plan is to put the hip back into reading,” Abigail says, “in a way that appeals to this generation. For this reason, the event is always held in gardens and areas close to nature. We also ensure that our guests are down to earth and ready to mix and mingle.”
The Guest Author for #GrillandRead Abuja is Chief Operating Officer of Parresia Books, Richard Ali and he will he reading from his newly reissued book, ‘City of Memories’.
Also expected at the event is the Abuja Literary Society 2016 Slam winner Rudolph Adidi. He will be thrilling the crowd with his spoken word pieces.
The #GrillandRead book party is a family friendly hangout that features book conversations, readings, spoken word, poetry, art, grilled food and chilled drinks.
Tickets are available at 10% discount for online payments only at PAYSTACK. The tickets cover entry and something grilled and something chilled for everyone. Attendants can also buy books at a discount from publishers and bookstores at the book party.
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