CỌ́N-SCÌÒ MAGAZINE is excited to announce our call for submissions for Issue 3, Volume 1, which will be published in December 2023. The theme for this upcoming issue is “MIGRATION.” We invite writers, poets, essayists, artists, and photographers to explore and express their interpretations of migrations in all its facets.
Migrations are an integral part of the human experience, and they come in various forms—physical, emotional, and spiritual.
We challenge you to delve into this theme and offer your unique perspectives on migration—whether they involve love, adventure, work, accomplishments, or any other aspect of the journey—in poetry, short prose, essays, art, and photographs.
Migrations are the threads that weave the tapestry of human existence. They are the stories of individuals and communities constantly on the move, searching for new horizons, opportunities, and connections. Migrations represent the ever-evolving nature of humanity, as we venture, adapt, and consolidate in diverse ways. Our world is a stage where these stories unfold, and we invite you to contribute to our exploration of migrations as a profound human reality.
- Submit work that aligns with the theme “MIGRATIONS.” We accept stories, poems, essays, artwork, and photographs. All submissions must be the author’s original content.
- You may submit a maximum of two entries per category (photo, poetry, art, prose).
- Art and photographs should be in JPG, JPEG, or PNG formats.
- Short stories and essays should be between 400 and 1000 words.
- Artwork and photographs should include captions.
- If your work is not written in English, please provide a translation.
- All submissions must be made through our online portal: https://www.wrr.ng/submit/ or emailed to the appropriate editors (Poetry: consciopoetry@wrr.ng; Interviews/Essays/Reviews: consciofeatures@wrr.ng; Art/Photographs: conscioart@wrr.ng).
- Include a brief author biography along with your social media handles for author recognition.
- Authors retain ALL rights to their works. By submitting your work to us, you grant us the right to publish it in our magazine. We highly value the creative autonomy of our contributors. If your work is accepted and subsequently published elsewhere, we kindly request that you notify us as a courtesy.
The submission window is open from 25th October 2023 to 25th November 2023. Make sure to submit your work within this period to be considered for our December 2023 issue.
We deeply appreciate the contributions of our talented artists and writers. Despite being a self-funded magazine without income generation, we recognize the importance of acknowledging our contributors. Therefore, each submission accepted for publication will receive a token of ₦4000 as a symbol of our heartfelt appreciation.

We look forward to your insightful contributions and the unique perspectives you bring to this exploration.
Signed: Kukogho Iruesiri Samson Editor-in-Chief