Submit your manuscript for the Words Rhymes & Rhythm Publishers CHAPBOOK SERIES (WRR-CBS) 2021. The WRR-CBS platform welcomes new and emergent voices in the Nigerian literary scene. It is accessible, reliable and affordable.
We want writings from emerging and established writers that – in short stories, poems or essays – x-ray society, testing its lies and truths; question traditional social narratives; explore ‘forbidden’ themes like gender and sexuality; ponder the human condition; and generally tell us more about who we are as humans from unique viewpoints.
- POETRY MANUSCRIPT: must not exceed 35 pages (roughly 25-35 depending on length). This is NOT exclusive of preliminary pages and biography pages
- PROSE MANUSCRIPT (Short stories and Essays): There is no limit to the number of short stories or essays, but they must not exceed 30 pages (Times New Roman 12 point font). This is NOT exclusive of preliminary pages and biography pages
- Open to writers in any part of the world. Nigerian and other African writers are encouraged to apply
- Kindly note that manuscript needing intense editing will be rejected and/or recommended to an editor for editing and extra editing charges will apply.
- Request for deletion of the manuscript after approved uploaded must be made formally and will not attract any surcharge nor a refund
- Terminating the process after commencement will lead to a forfeiture of part of the deposit
- All payments will be made in Naira (or the Dollar/ Euro/ Pounds equivalent)
- Payment will be made in a maximum of two installments only in 70:30 ratio. One-time full payment is encouraged
All submissions should be sent to SUBMISSIONS@WRR.NG with the manuscript attached as a Microsoft Word document. The subject of the email should be 'CBS (manuscript title & author's name)'