1. Submit a maximum of five poems.
2. There will be no restrictions on length, theme and style. However, the poems are expected to reflect various shades of experiences in Nigeria over the years.
3. The specific emphasis is on Nigerian poetry and not on poems about Nigeria.
4. Poems must be the original work of the poet. They may have been previously published but not earlier than two years before 2014.
5. Submissions are free. However, no complimentary copies will be issued.
6. Submission remains open for a limited time period.
7. The poems should be forwarded as a single file document attachment to
8. All contributors will be notified upon receipt of their poems. Poets whose poems are selected will be further notified after the selection process.
The anthology will be available for public purchase from the publishers, partners of The Weavers, bookshops and online stores. The Weavers will also maintain web pages with links to the above purchase channels, press releases, reviews and formal presentations.
The Weavers are the publishers of the 2011 anthology, Our Legacy of Madness, published in Lagos by ICS.
The work has received wide acclaim and several positive reviews.