[caption id="attachment_11747" align="aligncenter" width="382"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [WONDERING][/caption]I wonder Shouldn't you ponder? Think, wake up from your slumber Why don't humans understand when birds chatter? Oh! I wonder I wonder Why do...


[caption id="attachment_4961" align="aligncenter" width="392"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [When Tomorrow Comes][/caption]Like an ant on a different path from his colony, whistling alone to himself to chase away silence, savoring the new found freedom...


[caption id="attachment_4719" align="aligncenter" width="392"] www.facebook.com/WRRPoetry [Patient Dog][/caption]Why hoping on tomorrow when tomorrow will never come? Why say "it will be better" when it’s not even good at all? Why do...
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