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Read Time:2 Minute, 3 Second [NOT MY OWN MAN]
I am not my own man
I’m a man with a master
A man under authority
A man in a covenant
Do I even care that you call me a prisoner?
I am just not free

I am barred from seeking
this flurry of lusts that haunts my soul
I’m forbidden from going
anywhere that delights my feet
Life’s many lures contend for my touch
But my hands, tied and tame must remain
Though I could want all things
I can have only some things

And were I my own man
I would be whoever I wished to be
I would go wherever I want to go
I would do whatever I chose to do
And never would have to answer to any man
In this life, or in some other life

Yes, were I my own man
I’d have only my own counsel to heed
I’d strive solely for personal profits
Never holding back from all that pleases me
Even if it translates to hell for another
And there’d be nobody worth my apology

Ah! Were I my own man
Revenge would never be an option
Unforgiveness would be my norm
I’d fly unrestrained in the skies of indulgence
And no man, below or above
Would demand of me an account

Were I my own man
Oh to hell with all scruples!
Why would I ever have to say sorry?
Why would I ever need to think ere I leap?
Somebody’s happiness couldn’t be my concern
And fear of a tortuos hereafter would be unknown

And were I to be my own man
A renegade I would be
Without hope of escape
from the dark and dismal end
To which all renegades are condemned

See! I am not my own man
I’m a man with a master
A man under authority
A man in a covenant
Do I at all care that you call me a prisoner?
I am just not free

to live this life exclusively for me
to do no other’s bidding but mine
to care not in the least about right and wrong

For I am signatory to that Charter divine:
To be human and humane
To be subject to the dictates of good conscience
And at the close of the days
to be answerable to the One whose own I am
I am just not free

Written by: Sunny Eke

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