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Beneath the sky, where stars ignite,
In nature's realm, we find our light,
To change the world, a daunting quest,
But first, the change within our chest.

The mountains stand, so strong and high,
Yet rivers carve them, by and by,
In nature's dance, we see the truth,
Change starts within, forsooth.

The roaring storm, the tranquil breeze,
In contrast, nature finds its ease,
To change the world's relentless tide,
Within ourselves, we must decide.

The ancient trees, with roots so deep,
In stillness, their secrets keep,
To change the world, we must be wise,
Start with the self, let no disguise.

In every leaf, in every stone,
The world's reflection, deeply shown,
To change the world, we must rehearse,
The change begins within our universe.

So heed this call, with humility and care, oh youth so bright,
To change the world, embrace the light,
In nature's grace, the lesson's clear,
Change yourself, and then draw near.

In a world of standards, fitting's a test,
Measuring worth against the gauge of the rest.
Uncertain of belonging, feeling out of place,
Yearning for acceptance, in this endless race.

But life's cold hands keep distance intact,
We claw and crawl, hope for light in the dark.
Desire to be like them, upfront, so clear,
Yet destiny's path is what we must adhere.

Are we trapped in this loop, endlessly spun?
Or viewing it wrong, embracing everyone?
Perfection's not absence, it's "imperfect" in sight,
Our uniqueness, a treasure, hidden in plain light.

We feel weird, different, cast far away,
But "difference" is "special," let's seize the day.
You don't fit in, that's the truth to claim,
You're meant to stand out, be different in name.

So own your uniqueness, let it be your guide,
Embrace your true self, let your spirit glide.
In a world of conformity, you're meant to shine,
Be different, be special, forever, be thine.

In the vast expanse of existence, I gaze into the empty space,
The abyss of life's intricate tapestry,
Seeking to unravel its profound mysteries. 
But amidst the complexity that surrounds us,
I find a curious simplicity.

How is it that 'Cry' comprises three letters, much like 'Joy'?
Why does 'Hate' consist of four letters, just like 'Love'?
And 'Hurt' and 'Heal' share the same four letters too.
'Right' and 'Wrong' are both crafted with five letters.
'Lying' bears five letters, as does 'Honest.'
'Under' and 'Above' share the same five letters.
'Anger' echoes 'Happy' with their five-letter reflection.
Even 'Smile' and 'Frown' contain five letters each.
While 'Enemies' and 'Friends' stretch to seven letters,
'Negative' and 'Positive' expand further to eight.

Does this symmetry reveal life's simplicity or
It's intricate complexity?
Are these mere linguistic coincidences
Or profound truths waiting to be discovered?
Are our choices as straightforward as these words, 
Or do they hide deeper meanings?

As I ponder the balance between light and darkness,
I contemplate the dual nature of our decisions.
Life, like a double-edged sword, offers choices, 
And we hold the power to shape our destiny. 
Will we embrace the 'Joy' or 'Cry,'
'Love' or 'Hate,' and 'Heal' our 'Hurt'? 
The path is uncertain, but our choices define our journey. 
Let us wield our inner power wisely, 
for life's harmony and discord are, quite simply, at our fingertips.

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From the endless sky in my mind, I gaze upon this cherished land
Where Gold and Diamonds gleam, a wealth to enhance,
In your uniqueness, you stand apart, so grand.
In your Cradle of humankind, I see profound beauty.

I stand amazed at your abundant grace,
54 children you bear, each with a unique face,
And in your grandchildren, a testament to your diversity,
Reflecting your heart, with such luminosity.

What captivates me most are the people you embrace,
In their eyes, strength; in their minds, love's grace,
Within your heart, their grace and dreams soar,
An ever soothing space they find.

With 2000 tongues, your voices resound,
A tapestry of languages, a harmonious ground,
Flowing like the rivers through your vast thresholds,
I immerse myself in the warmth you bestow.

Your black pearl glistens brighter than diamonds on display
Lions roar with strength, wisdom, pride in your sway,
The zebras honor your individuality, wild and free,
Elephants embody your royalty and power, I see.

Africa, my motherland, I sing your praise,
For 30,000 decades, though I'm merely 18,
I've roamed your maze,
My pride indeed you are in endless days.

In this world, where fortunes sway,
Why do opportunities not equal each day?
A roulette of birth, a random spin,
Decides who loses, who gets to win.

In some lands, where the sun's warm embrace,
Why do some see endless space?
Education's gift, a helping hand,
Yet others struggle in barren land.

But elsewhere, where shadows paint the scene,
A stark divide, what does it mean?
Barren fields, like withered flowers,
A harsh landscape, where hope often sours.

Inequality's bitter truth we face,
A gap in life's intricate race.
But within these lines, let us find,
A call for justice, for all humankind.

To bridge the gap, to level the field,
Empower those who've been concealed.
In this poem's plea, let us unite,
To ensure every star can shine bright.

For life's opportunities, may they be,
Accessible to all, truly and free.
In this world, where dreams are spun,
Let equal chances be enjoyed by everyone.

Obinna Emmanuel is a dedicated student and poet who fervently believes in the power of words to stir emotions, provoke contemplation, and inspire meaningful change. Poetry has been a steadfast companion throughout his journey, serving as his most cherished form of expression. His creative works often delve into themes of motivation, societal issues, human emotions, and the enchanting beauty of nature.

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